"There was never yet an uninteresting life.  Such a thing is an impossibility.  Inside of the dullest exterior, there is a drama, a comedy, and a tragedy." 

                                                         --Mark Twain

     Everyone has a story to tell, no matter how insignificant it may seem to you.  The "little things" in life are really very precious to your loved ones, both present and future.

     According to the Association of Personal Historians, must oral histories are lost (forgotten) after 2 generations.  This means that if you just rely on word-of-mouth, your great-grandchildren will never really know you and what your life was like, your values, or your dreams.

     SAY IT AGAIN can help you get those family stories in print.  Record voices, words, and pictures into an audio-story book that will be cherished for generations!


 1.  No one else will do it for you.

2.  No one else knows the stories of your life quite like you do.

3.  You owe it to yourself and to your family.

4.  Let your descendants know that you were a real person and not just a name on a tree.

5.  The stories you heard from your grandparents will not die out with you.

6.  Many pieces of information nobody knows but you.

7.  You are part of the history of your city, state and country.

8.  The things you did when you were young are as remote from the children of today as the Earth is from Mars.

9.  In telling how you survived painful times in your
past, you teach useful coping skills to your descendants and come to a greater understanding and peace.

10.  The world will be a better place for your having written your stories.

--Beryl O. Gorman, Wordweavers Victoria, Australia


1.  Just for you & your family!

2.  Birthdays & Milestones

3.  Weddings & Anniversaries

4.  Birth of child, Baptism, Growing up....

5.  Special Season (sports, drama productions, etc.)

6.  Special Event (club activities, fundraisers, concerts, vacations, etc.)

7.  Retirement Tribute (from co-workers or family)

8.  Class or Family Reunions

9.  Children's Project (child writes a story & drawings)

10.  Therapy (Memory work with senior citizens, etc.) 

The time is NOW!  Record your stories...before they're gone forever!